Kamyavan – Govindaji and Vrinda devi temple

” Thus begins inner parikrama.  Here in this temple one can see the original deity of Vrinda Devi alongside the ‘pratibhu- murti’ of Lord Govindaji and also a deity of Lord Jagannatha Swami. When the deities of the Gaudiya Goswamis were brought from Vrindavana, they were kept at different locations in Kaman Town for safety. At this particular location, the deities of Govindaji and Vrinda Devi were kept for three days before Govindaji was moved to Jaipura. When the pujaris tried to move the deity of Vrinda Devi, she became too heavy to move, and the pujaris realized that Vrinda Devi, the presiding deity of Vrindavana forest, was not willing to leave the holy Dhama. Therefore, Vrinda Devi was then installed along with the pratibhu-murti of Govindaji in this temple.  This very beautiful deity of Vrinda Devi has ten arms holding her various symbols and is said to have been originally installed in Vrindavana by King Vajranabha, five thousand years earlier. During the course of history, the deity was lost but was subsequently rediscovered in Brahma-kunda by Shrila Rupa Goswami after she appeared in a dream informing him where she lay hidden. Rupa Goswami then installed Vrinda Devi in the Govindaji Mandira in Vrindavana.  Vrinda Devi is the gopi after whom the forest of Vrindavana has been named (the vana of Vrinda) and along with Purnamasi, Vrinda Devi is responsible for making all the arrangements for the loving pastimes between Radha and Krishna within the groves of Vrindavana. Shrimati Tulasi Devi is considered to be the partial expansion of Vrinda Devi, who is herself an expansion of Yogamaya Devi.”

Sri Radha Govind Dev
Vrinda Devi